Welcome to Negev Holyland 104th Holyland Postal Bid Sale
CLOSING DATE: Wednesday August 28, 2024; 2 PM, local time.
NEGEV HOLYLAND 104th Holyland Postal Bid Sale
Welcome to Negev Holyland 104th Holyland Postal Bid Sale
CLOSING DATE: Wednesday August 28, 2024; 2 PM, local time.
NEGEV HOLYLAND 104th Holyland Postal Bid Sale
I began collecting stamps at age 10. Though I started with US stamps, I soon added Israel as my sister lived there.
My specialization is the Postal Stationery of Israel. I also collect LUNDY ISLAND and FRANCE & COLONIES.
I started dealing in 1997. I named the business BUTTON STAMP COMPANY. Thomas Paine, the author of COMMON SENSE lived in Bordentown, NJ. This was the only place where he bought property. There is a statue of him in town. On the base is this: I would rather see my horse BUTTON grazing in the fields of Bordentown that all the pomp and show of Europe. As I joke, you now know you are dealing with the southern end of north-bound horse. Read More...
This is the definitive work on this most fascinating collecting area.
This book, which is a major update to the 1998 catalogue, gives in-depth descriptions of Israel postal stationery through 2017. Chapters include Forerunners: Letter Sheets and Entires; Military Letter Sheets and Entires; Air Letter Sheets; Stampless Letter Sheets; Tourist Letter Sheets; Inland Letter Sheets; Postal Cards; Reply Cards; Envelopes and Stampless Envelopes. Descriptions of the various errors, varieties, and freaks in are also included.
Please order copies via the web site http://israelstamps.com/. The cost is $50 plus postage. You may also order from SIP ED FUND c/o SIP OFFICE 100 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823-1367
From time to time I will offer collections and other items. The auction terms will apply. However, these are NET PRICE and first come first served.
From time to time I will have an editorial opinion on some aspect of the hobby or something I want to share with you. These are columns I write. The name is IT’S WHAT I (USUALLY ALONE) THINK. If you disagree with me, please send a well written response. I may add it (on request your name will be withheld). Any organization or publication may freely re-print these. I only ask that I get a hard copy of the publication.