ISRAEL MOBILE POST OFFICES Includes about 375 regular and 200 registered covers; territories (military and civilian), obsolete lines, etc. in four volumes. Seems to be mostly 1950’s to 1990’s. Per note:60 different MPO, early and late post offices openings & closings, change of lines, small/large circles, oval pmks; franco type machine pmks: commercial, kibbutzim, factories; VOLUME #1: Various usages, stamps, meters; Replacement of postmarks: from old circular to new turnable ovals; Post Office notices; VOLUME #2: Commercial entires; AYALON mobile VOLUME #3: TPO with Massad label; Post Offices notices; Parcel Card; Mobile Offices operated by Military Postal Administration 1967-1994; Military mail; VOLUME #4: Official documentation; ZAHAL settlements; Military parcel cards; Checked mail; Special cancels; Mobile Post Offices in GAZA & SINAI
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