103rd Holyland Postal Bid Sale

Sale date: 
March 10, 2024

world war two


Lot #: 61

US ARMY POST OFFICE IN PALESTINE pmkd US ARMY POSTAL SERVICE SPO 682 MAY 18, 1944, addressed to USA, with article

Start: $45 Buy

Interim Period


Lot #: 62

3 MIL TIRAT TVI (BI-16 #01) sheetlet of 10 in booklet; Tel Aviv ovpt; on back #000009 and mss markings

Start: $45 Buy
Lot #: 63

HERZL (BI-16 #5-8) 2 mil, TLV red ovpt, black ovpt, both; 5 mil Haifa; 10 mil TLV red double; 10 mil w/text TLV red & purple

Start: $60 Buy
Lot #: 64

HERZL 10 mil (BI-16 #8) TETE-BECHE pairs, Haifa ovpt. TLV ovpt, with text & TLV ovpt

Start: $50 Buy
Lot #: 65

JEZRAEL VALLEY (BI-16 #19) green, Haifa ovpt, no value, FULL SHEET, double ovpt on one stamp

Start: $170 Buy
Lot #: 66

SHIP (BI-16 #23) Haifa ovpt (this marked German for FALSE in upper margin) red TLV purple TLV

Start: $50 Buy
Lot #: 67

MAP (BI-16 #29) sheetlet of 10, blue, no value; Haifa ovpt

Start: $80 Buy
Lot #: 68

MAP STAMP (BI-16 #30C) brown stamp, violet Tel Aviv ovpt, no value, sheetlet of 10, double ovpt on one stamp with booklet cover

Start: $135 Buy
Lot #: 69

PARACHUTISTS (BI-16 #36-41) no value, black, Haifa ovpt

Start: $80 Buy

Military mail (Haganah & War of Independence)

Lot #: 70

ON ACTIVE SERVICE TO AUSTRIA pmks Rishon Le Tziyon 9/4/1950, censor tape to left tied by censor hstmp, KEEP SECRET stamp, Hebrew mss ON ACTIVE DUTY; On arrival in Vienna: circular hstmp, hstmp WIEN and mss T 50

Start: $50 Buy
Lot #: 71

HAGANAH CAMP TEL AVIV hstmp in registered cvr linear dated 1948 MAY (Hebrew?) 1948

Start: $60 Buy
Lot #: 72

THE MILITARY COMMANDER IN THE TERRITORIES AND CAPTURED AREAS Entry permit valid from 5/5/49 to 12/31/49. As areas were taken from Arabs were under military rule, one could not move freely inside these areas. For any official purpose of entry, a military permit would have been issued. The permit carried the person’s name and his business and purpose in a particular defined area. Tear at fold, o/ VF

Start: $50 Buy
Lot #: 73

EARLY MILITARY MAIL about 25 items, various KBA triangles and office postmarks; and other markings (1) 4 JNF letter sheets – one with KEEP SECRET stamp (2) 2 with Doar Ivri and one with First Festival stamps

Start: $75 Buy


Lot #: 74

HAIFA pmks tie 191 mils in postage (including Diaspora 1) to regist cvr locally addressed, on flap mss Palestine Electric Co Ltd

Start: $45 Buy
Lot #: 75

MAABAROT MH PMK ties 5 pr Weizman & Negev to UN partition cvr, BALE lists this at $100

Start: $35 Buy
Lot #: 76

REHOVOT 2 pmks toed 5 mil Weizman and 5 mil Map to advertising cvr for Rural and Suburban Settlement Company, addressed to Bait Hashifim.

Start: $35 Buy
Lot #: 77

SDEH YAACOV ties 5 mil Weizman to cvr addressed to Tel Aviv

Start: $50 Buy
Lot #: 78

INTERIM COVER 19 covers from mostly different towns, some may be “better” (e.g.) Yagur Nesher, Affulah, Givataim, Ramat Hasharon – may be philatelic

Start: $130 Buy


Lot #: 79

JERUSALEM 2 5 MIL (BI-16 #104) brown IMPERF sheet

Start: $600 Buy
Lot #: 80

JERUSALEM LOCAL 24 JUNE 1948 ties 10 mil Jerusalem 2 to cvr addressed to Tel Aviv

Start: $50 Buy