PIONEERS OF ZIONISM (ROCH 50 – 55) panes of 6, original, ovpt 10 mils, ovpt 2 mils (this reconstructed);
Sale date:
April 8, 2019
Showing 1 - 20 items of 595
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Lot #: 8
JNF ALPHABET STAMPS full sheets one each in brown on white paper, brown on brown paper, red, and blue
Start: $45
Sold For: $50
Lot #: 9
BAR MITZVAH STAMP (ROCH 1059-1118) full sheet with top selvage; some perf seps & missing small piece at bottom right
Start: $45
Sold For: $50
Lot #: 10
SZOLD FOREST (KAPLOV 1636) vertical strip of 3, 20 30 & 50 mils
Start: $35
Sold For: $40
Lot #: 13
ZIONIST PERSONALITIES (ROCH GE 175-80) ovpt 1 mils in red, pane of 6
Start: $35
Sold For: $50
Lot #: 15
POLAND REDEMPTION (ROCH PO 26-29) perfed & imperf; colors differences between each
Start: $70
Sold For: $80
Lot #: 17
JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 31 mostly different booklets from the 1950s-60s, most complete & in mix condition.
Start: $150
Sold For: $160