88th Holyland Postal Bid Sale

Sale date: 
August 13, 2017



Lot #: 387

ACRE CITY 3 payment tokens

Start: $35 Buy
Lot #: 388

CIGARETTE TAX LABELS over 100 different

Start: $550 Buy
Lot #: 389

EGGED BUS TICKETS six high prutot values

Start: $65 Buy
Lot #: 390

POSTAL MONEY ORDERS 1960-1995 different currencies, tax stamps, unused with attached counter-foil; includes items from Israel, West Bank, Gaza and Sinai; also very rare set with boxed ‘Shekel” provisional cachet (conversion from Lirot); also some with added stamps as a ‘tax’; includes high denomination items; over 90 items in all

Start: $1,100 Buy
Lot #: 391

RATION & PAYMENT CARDS & BOOKLETS &PAGES 4 booklets partially used, 3 pages from booklets, cover from a booklet, 3 pages (each different color) with Arabic numerals

Start: $35 Buy
Lot #: 392

1955 JERUSALEM CONSULAR LETTERS 7 different all requesting the Jordanian Foreign Office for a visa for one of a person; each has a consular handstamp; from Belgium (UN staff member), Italy (its own consul), France (secretary of the Consul), Vatican (secretary to the Apostolic Delegation), USA (embassy employee), Holland secretary of the Consul) , Spain (Chancellor of the Consulate)

Start: $45 Buy
Lot #: 393

THE EXODUS SONG the sheet music for the title song from the movie EXODUS

Start: $25 Buy
Lot #: 394

US REPLY POSTAL CARD mailed from REHOVOT 27/9/1950, based on postmark and return address

Start: $25 Buy



Lot #: 395

MASSIVE JEWISH NATIONAL FUND DEALERS STOCK In two big boxes and one small box: Book 01: early main office issues, identified by Rochlin Book 02: more of the same Book 03: JNF & OTHER labels, Israel revenues Book 04: JNF more modern, some sheets, Israel revenues (incl. Zahal) Book 05: older JNF, not identified, and more modern Book 06: same, incl. Radio, Book 07: same Book 08: SHAI covers, about 50, mostly 80’s Book 09: very modern Book 10: sheets & misc.; Bar Mitzvah sheet including top; Book 11: sheets & misc.; 1st issue, some tags, booklet panes, from various offices, somewhat numbered Book 12: very modern strips & sheetlets Book 13: SHAI and other JNF commemorative covers Book 14: box of misc. items: information folders, sheets, stamps, ZION sheet, designer folders; NOTE: This is heavy – shipping will be expensive; expect duplication PRICE IS NET -- NO COMMISSION; WILL CONSIDER OFFERS

Start: $750 Buy
Lot #: 396

ISRAEL LABELS ETC. accumulation of over 100 different

Start: $90 Buy
Lot #: 397


Start: $110 Buy
Lot #: 398

JUDAICA COLLECTION Very nice collection of Judaica (1) stamps and/ or covers from various countries (2) charity labels (3) 29 items form the Junior League of the Jewish (Memorial Hospital; (4) UN stamps for Israel; (5) JNF Negev labels; nicely mounted with some descriptions; not counted but estimating over 500 items in all

Start: $270 Buy
Lot #: 399

SMALL JUDAICA ASSEMBLAGE includes (1) stamps and/or covers from various countries mounted and described on pages (2) Zionist Federation of Austria special cachet of 30.5.1958 (3) about 20 special cachets for various events (including Camp David accords) (5) some JNF sheets & labels (4) BONUS some Israel FDC and stamps

Start: $25 Buy
Lot #: 400

PRE 1960 PLATE BLOCK ACCUMULATION includes Menorah, Officials, JNF, Weizmann, Landscape Airmails, UPU, Negev Camel, 1949 New Year – IDF; over 50 blocks in all

Start: $85 Buy
Lot #: 401

ISRAEL COLLECTION 1948- 1976 & MUCH MORE (1) 1948 to circa 1955 contains mint tabs (some are short tabs) , mint singles, used tabs, and/or used singles for many issues;(2) circa 1955 to 1976 all mint tab. NOTES: Not complete; some duplication especially in pre-1960; mint generally never hinged – but can be hinged; on White Ace pages -- some coming loose – should be remounted; (3) stockbook with more recent used tabs and mint tabs (4) binder with souvenir sheets , souvenir leafs, maximum cards, New Year Cards, a few sheets, special booklets (Tel Aviv, Lake Hula, Noah, World Heritage), (5) 2014 Year Book with stamps (5) presentation folder for 60th anniversary (6) 2015 issues

Start: $375 Buy
Lot #: 402

ERRORS & VARIETIES ACCUMULATION covers & mint stamps; just some of those seen (1) .80 Seven species tabbed stamp imperf with the next sheet creating a “vertical gutter pair” on cover (2) .60 Shekel plate block with perf shift (3) yellow color shift of Bee stamp on cover (4) various other Olive Branch errors on covers (5) 1 Sh archeology w/o phos (6) no phos varieties on Herzl (7) Poppy phos varieties (8) phosphor on various shekel and other definitives; (9) color separation trial sheet on thick white paper with green/bluish matte gun, a bit of perforations at top; over 70 items in all;

Start: $450 Buy
Lot #: 403

PRE-1960 SHORT TABS includes JNF, Negev, Menorah, Road to Jerusalem, Petach Tikva, Taba airmail, 1952 Independence and others; 8 sets in all

Start: $90 Buy

late lots

Lot #: 451

FIRST FESTIVALS mint tab, 10 pr has colored bar, others plain; BONUS:  set of used single

Start: $120 Buy
Lot #: 452

FIRST FESTIVALS blocks of six with attached selvage showing plate number, slugs and cyclometer numbers; 10 mil plate 1, others plate 3

Start: $40 Buy
Lot #: 453

FIRST FESTIVALS: vertical gutters, without tabs; Bale value $550

Start: $250 Buy