81 - 340 - art work szyk
SZYK BILESKI 2 letterheads Szyk designed for his patron Kasimir Bileski: blue 6 x 9 inches (2 copies); green 8.5 x 11 inches
SZYK BILESKI 2 letterheads Szyk designed for his patron Kasimir Bileski: blue 6 x 9 inches (2 copies); green 8.5 x 11 inches
SZYK ILLUSTRATIONS IN CORONET MAGAZINES 1945-1948, 21 full page illustrations; 12 full bound copies & 9 others; detailed listing sent by e-mail on request. Difficult to assemble today.
SZYK exhibitions at US Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2008, Library of Congress in 2000, Mizel Museum of Judaica, Denver, 1997; original brochures
SZYK HAGGADAH CALENDAR 1995 - 1996, from US Library of Congress; still in shrink wrap;12 x 13 inches [PH cropped]
SZYK SIKORSKY Commander in Chief of the Polish Armed Forces, Prime Minister, 9 ½ x 16 inches, matted [PH cropped]
SZYK MAGAZINE ANTI-AXIS ADS (1) United States Steel (2) North American Aviation sets the pace (3) Nescafe [PH is a composite]
SZYK MAGAZINE ANTI-AXIS ADS (1) United States Steel (2) North American Aviation (3) Nescafe (4) Casco Heating Pads [PH is a composite]
SZYK FOUR FREEDOMS block of four circa 1943, one with inscription for “Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe; one without; both blocks mounted in separate mats
SZYK: A MADMAN’S DREAM on back two pages from A NEW ORDER depicting Nazi collaborators
SZYK: STAB IN THE BACK DECEMBER 7, 1941 Tojo stabbing an American cowboy in the back [PH cropped]