96th Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 400 - EXTRA LOTS Artwork & Books
JUDISCHE-RUNDSCHAU-12-AUGUST-1904 2 different from this date; 8 pages each VERY FRAGILE; tape amended at left
JUDISCHE-RUNDSCHAU-12-AUGUST-1904 2 different from this date; 8 pages each VERY FRAGILE; tape amended at left
HOLY LAND PHILATELIST These are the ORIGINAL magazines bound into two books. Volume III Nov. 2956 #25 thru VOLUME VII August September #81/82
WARSAW 1945 'GUARDS BY THE WALLS OF THE GHETTO' COLOR PRINT characterizes two Nazi guards at wall of Warsaw Ghetto. Interestingly, guards are wearing patches of Ukrainian SS volunteers. Only 1,450 issued in Poland, 9½"x12¾", mounted on 12½"x17" black paper with title inscribed in three languages, English, French & Polish. Fine condition.
PICTURESQUE PALESTINE The prints are all from the monumental work "Picturesque Palestine, Sinai, and Egypt': published by D. Appleton & Co in New York in 1881. The set of 4 volumes contained 35+ steel engravings, of which these prints are, and hundreds of wood cuts, almost all of which can be framed The books from which these prints were taken, had their spines completely destroyed, and could not be repaired. (Google the title to learn more.) As indicated these prints are all steel engravings, over 135 years old and in absolutely pristine condition.
GOEBEL LASZLO ISPANKY 1st EDITION LIMITED PLATE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL, 1978 number 3868; 12 tribes of Israel 1978 new 12 inch plate.. Depicts Jacob in the center and each of his sons are symbolized around the plate. Although Ispanky is a world famous sculptor this is the first plate he has created. The plate is made from fine porcelain with a gold rim. Comes with case. Sold in February 2017 sale for $170.