83 - 462 - Israel commemortives
NORTH AFRICAN JEWRY (BI-13 #553) vertical singles missing dark blue and perf shifted slightly to left
NORTH AFRICAN JEWRY (BI-13 #553) vertical singles missing dark blue and perf shifted slightly to left
CHILDREN DRAWINGS 0.02A & 0.03A (BI-13 #550-1) (1) .02: two plus tabs with major misperfing (2) .03: tab copy misperfed
1972 26th INDEPENDENCE (BI-13 #539) (1) pair of singles with perf shift and missing red (2) right side tab with perf shift and color shift (3) tab and attaches two singles – white area under tab [this folded on perfs]
THE SCRIBE (BI-13 #517) tab, missing dark brown and misperfed
NATURE RESERVES 0.12A (BI-1 #389) plate block with double vertical perf
ISRAEL MUSEUM (BI-13 #354-9) full sheets
1966 INDEPENDENCE 0.12A (BI-13 #340) right side tab missing dark blue & red (of roofs)
HALBANON SHEET (BI-13 #268) full sheet on FDC
25TH ANNIVERSARY PHILHARMONIC (BI-13 #232) tab/plate block of 6, missing red
1957 NEW YEAR (BI-13 #144-146) tabs with short perfed top tied to airmail regist cvr addressed to USA, additional 40 pr Mered coins pays correct 450 pr rate; backstamped