87 - 252 - doar ivri CONTROL BLOCKS
DOAR IVRI 5 MILS PLATE BLOCK on unaddressed cover; Group 27 Plate 1 SR serial 13533; special cancellation Int'l Maccabiah Games Tel Aviv 26 12 1948; Bale $110
DOAR IVRI 5 MILS PLATE BLOCK on unaddressed cover; Group 27 Plate 1 SR serial 13533; special cancellation Int'l Maccabiah Games Tel Aviv 26 12 1948; Bale $110
DOAR IVRI 5 MILS PLATE BLOCK on registered Jerusalem cover pmkd 14.2.1949 with special Knesset cancel; Serial number 27274 plate 2 Slug group 40, correct rate mixed franking, Special cancellation 1st Knesset Bale $700
DOAR IVRI HIGH VALUES (BI-16 #7-9) PLATE BLOCKS (1) 250 mil group 153 #0182 (2) 500 mil group 155 #1491 (3) 1000 mil group 157 #1976; total Bale $3,275;2015 Tsachor cert: light fingerprints on back; 500m & 1000, minor gum faults GENUINE – FINE TO VERY F
DOAR IVRI ROULETTE PLATE BLOCKS 2 of 3 pr 1 with hole in margin; 2 of 5 pr, 1 hinged; 1 of 10 pr, hinge remnant in margin; all plate 1
DOAR IVRI ROULETTE PLATE BLOCKS plate 1, numbers 6185, 8735, 98258
10 MIL (GRP 68) to left of plate number -- can see a partial star
DOAR IVRI 5 MILS PLATE BLOCK group 62 Plate 2 SR, Serial 166591 MNH BALE $250
DOAR IVRI CONTROL BLOCKS These BI-13 numbers #2 ($120 number 0219) #59 #68 #106.2 #137, #150 ($150)
DOAR IVRI CONTROL BLOCKS These BI-13 numbers #15 (2 copies) #55 #79 #93 #100 #103 #108 #119 #125 #137 #146 ($120) #152 ($100)
DOAR IVRI PLATE BLOCKS 45 (there is a bit of duplication); includes these BI-16 numbers 42 (lowest number) 109 (possible new high number) 140 144 146 151 and 152; 2016 BALE over $2500; EXCEL spreadsheet sent by e-mail on request