102nd Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 100 - first dues covers
10 MIL DUES PAIR tied by BAT YAM pmk (date unclear) with hstmp CHARGE NOT COLLECTED, on cvr mailed TEL AVIV 17/5/49, addressed to BAT YAM, this crossed out. BAT YAM pmk of 18/5/1948 on back
10 MIL DUES PAIR tied by BAT YAM pmk (date unclear) with hstmp CHARGE NOT COLLECTED, on cvr mailed TEL AVIV 17/5/49, addressed to BAT YAM, this crossed out. BAT YAM pmk of 18/5/1948 on back
10 MIL ROULETTED OVPT ‘T’ tied to cvr by HAIFA 31/5/1948 pmk; mailed same date from Haifa with 5 pr stamp, “T” to side and TO PAY 10 MILLS
10 MIL DUES imperf marginal copy missing ovpt VF
FIRST DUES PLATE BLOCKS OF SIX all plate 1, on back upper corner selvedge – very small gum disturbance; 20 pr glazed gum AS IS – NO RETURNS
10 MIL TABBED FIRST DUE tied by Haifa 6/3/1954 (??) pmk to unstamped cvr, boxed TO PAY 10 MILLS
FIRST DUES TAB tied by 23/12/1949 TEL AVIV pmk to unaddressed cvr; per 1978 H-M STAMPS certificate “The stamps are genuine in every respect, not repaired, belong on this cover (which was expertly cleaned). Signed at bottom”
FIRST DUES PLATE BLOCKS OF SIX all plate 1 (3 sets available – the blocls you get may not be the ones in the scan); on back upper corner selvedge – very small gum disturbance on some
FIRST DUES PLATE BLOCKS OF SIX all plate 1 (3 sets available – the blocls you get may not be the ones in the scan); on back upper corner selvedge – very small gum disturbance on some
FIRST DUES PLATE BLOCKS OF SIX all plate 1 (3 sets available – the blocls you get may not be the ones in the scan); on back upper corner selvedge – very small gum disturbance on some