91 sale - 99 - Mandate Period FLIGHTS, MAIL TO PALESTINE, ETC.
FROM ENGLAND pmkd OCT 12 1922, addressed to HQ PALESTINE WING, RAF. Bir Salem. Palestine; in back BER YACOB of 23 OC 22; letter included
FROM ENGLAND pmkd OCT 12 1922, addressed to HQ PALESTINE WING, RAF. Bir Salem. Palestine; in back BER YACOB of 23 OC 22; letter included
MAIL TO PALESTINE Five covers sent from uncommon cities: Lima, Peru; Bucovina, Romania; Sofia, Bulgaria; Salonika, Greece; Damascus, Syria (in self-addressed cover to Dr. Hoexter in Haifa, famous philatelist). Each cover has censor tape, censor cancel, a
PALESTINE POSTAL HISTORY Eight covers sent to uncommon post offices world-wide; 2 are censored, 1 is registered; some with routing postmarks. Sent to Helsinki, Finland; Teheran, Iran; Cairo, Egypt; Maehrisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia; Homs, Syria; Bombay, I
FIRST FLIGHT 8 JULY 1933 India to Israel; then re-addressed to Liverpool England, various backstamps & mss message [back on WEB]
SALVAGED MAIL from Poland to Palestine, backstamped BASE ARMY POST 22 AU 45
CRASH MAIL from Tel Aviv to France
BRITISH MAIL // POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS addressed to England, mss text indicates the ship was bound for Haifa; partial PACKETBOAT cancel on stamp