89 - 22 - judaica Non-JNF labels & stamps
YIDDISH POETS & WRITERS from Poland, pre World War One, 9 stamps – 8 different
YIDDISH POETS & WRITERS from Poland, pre World War One, 9 stamps – 8 different
HEC FOR LABOR PALESTINE booklet pane of four 5 cents stamps
DIE JUDISCHE GEMEINDE ZU BERLIN The Jewish Congregation of Berlin. Folder dated 1949 with 10 stamp like labels commemorating the restored Berlin synagogues
AUSTRIAN COVERS FDC & special cancels relating to various Jewish related events
WEDDING LABELS 2 green for entrance of the bride
ISRAEL BOY & GIRL SCOUTS FEDERATION sheetlet for 1961 8th jamboree
LUBOML 10 & 20 with inverted value tablets
LUBOML 5 perf and 5 imperf labels; 5 10 20 25 & 30 values
KEREN TEL CHAI 5 different sheetlets or panes as to design & color
KEREN TEL CHAI two strips of four; 100 pr black & 150 pr violet, for BETAR sport fund