104TH Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 217 - miscellaneous payment tokens
LABOUR PARTY pane of six donation labels
LABOUR PARTY pane of six donation labels
TEL AVIV DAN BUS LINE three 10 mil and two 12 mil tickets
LABOUR PARTY pane of six donation labels
TEL AVIV DAN BUS LINE three 10 mil and two 12 mil tickets
PROMISSORY NOTES 15 20 & 50 ag
PROMISSORY NOTES 15 20 & 50 ag
ACCO Social Aid tokens 1 10 & 20 prutot
ISRAEL POSTAL MONEY ORDERS for usage in Israel proper, Gaza & Sinai, and Judea & Samaria; different types, varieties, and currency; about 30 different unused
PAYMENT TOKENS Hamkkashee, Shekim (Army Store), Magen David Adom Jerusalem, Kibbutz Yiftach, Teva, Food for Peace, others; duplication, about 40 items; includes pages from a book (that I do not recognize) describing tokens;
BUS & TRANSPORTATION TOKENS Beer Sheva, Bath-Galim, Dan Bus Company, Darom Yehuda, Eshed, Hamaavir, Hever. Ihud Regev, Mishmar Hamifratz, Mt. Carmel & Ahuza, and Shara-Haifa, Sheurtay Haam; various values and/or colors, duplication (heavy for some), condition varies greatly; includes pages from a book (that I do not recognize) describing tokens; about 140 tokens in all