98th Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 47 - british mandate Pictorials
100 mil PICTORIAL OVPT SPECIMEN 2 copies, thin paper
100 mil PICTORIAL OVPT SPECIMEN 2 copies, thin paper
7 MIL PICTORIAL (BP-20 #105B) vertical thin ribbed paper
20 MIL PICTORIAL (BP-10 #99) white wove block of 4 – rough perf
7 MIL PICTORIAL (BP-20 #105B) vertical thin ribbed paper
20 MIL PICTORIAL (BP-10 #99) white wove block of 4 – rough perf
PICTORIAL COILS 5 mil (hinged) 10 mil (never hinged)
7 MIL THIN PAPER (BP-10 #B #105B) vertical rib
APC PERFINS on various stamps, various positions on pictorials (and one London II); 17 items in all
7 MIL THIN PAPER (BP-10 #B #105B) vertical rib