
81 - 284 - revenues post-1948

ZAHAL WEST BANK (1) MIFKEDET HEVEL-AZA 1 2 3 5 115 IL and 5 10 30 SHEQEL (2) MIFKEDET YO’SH AGRAH 3 6 10 25 60 50 100 IL (all but 100 in strips of 2 or more (3) PANIM HEVEL AZA 50 100 (with Nr & “*”) 500 IL, 10 15 20 100 SHEQEL(all but 500 & 100 in strips of 2) (4) BUL BRIYOOT 2 40 50 60 70 IL (5) BRIYOOT AZA 2 4 10 50 SHEQEL (6) BRIYOOT HEVEL AZA 10 LI 18 (with Arabic ovpt) 74 80 (7) some others

81 - 280 - revenues post-1948

MAS CHESBONOT (ACCOUNTING) SEFAH OVPT (WB AJ 1//25) (1) black control numbers, these values 10 ag 20 ag 30 ag 40 ag 50 ag 80 ag 1 IL 1.20 IL 2 IL 4 li 10 IL 20 IL; 2 or more multiples of each (2) one each of overprints 10/8 10/32 20/16 20/24 (3) item #2 in strips or singles but without control tabs