101st Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 461 - Low Price & Colllections Post 1950 Military Mail
MILITARY CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS (1) D”Z 2556 triangle, handstamp of subcommander of E-TOR, mss dated 3/11/1956 (2) D”Z 2663 triangle, pmkd Haifa 8/12/56
MILITARY CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS (1) D”Z 2556 triangle, handstamp of subcommander of E-TOR, mss dated 3/11/1956 (2) D”Z 2663 triangle, pmkd Haifa 8/12/56
1957 SINAI CAMPAIGN MILITARY MAIL D”Z 2145 triangle, censor tape at left, addressed to USA; letter and IRC included
1957 SINAI CAMPAIGN MILITARY MAIL D”Z 2145 triangle, censor tape at left, addressed to USA; letter and IRC included
MILITARY CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS (1) D”Z 2556 triangle, handstamp of subcommander of E-TOR, mss dated 3/11/1956 (2) D”Z 2663 triangle, pmkd Haifa 8/12/56
MILITARY TRIANGLE well over 425 covers with various Military Triangle handstamps; many with censor tapes, Israel postmarks, some registered, seems to be from the 1960’s and 1970’s, quite a few military postcards. Though many are addressed to the same post office boxes or locations, they did go thru the mails – perhaps this was some sort of promotion.
1957 SINAI CAMPAIGN MILITARY MAIL D”Z 2145 triangle, censor tape at left, addressed to USA; letter and IRC included
MILITARY CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS (1) D”Z 2556 triangle, handstamp of subcommander of E-TOR, mss dated 3/11/1956 (2) D”Z 2663 triangle, pmkd Haifa 8/12/56
MILITARY TRIANGLE well over 425 covers with various Military Triangle handstamps; many with censor tapes, Israel postmarks, some registered, seems to be from the 1960’s and 1970’s, quite a few military postcards. Though many are addressed to the same post office boxes or locations, they did go thru the mails – perhaps this was some sort of promotion.