105TH Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 438 - Israel postal history
INCOMING CENSORED pmks Stuttgart, Germany 13/3/55, registered, addressed to Haifa, military censor tape and handstamp, Haifa bkstmp.
INCOMING CENSORED pmks Stuttgart, Germany 13/3/55, registered, addressed to Haifa, military censor tape and handstamp, Haifa bkstmp.
FROM CAMEROUN pmkd 3/6/58,
FROM UNION OF BURMA pmk unclear, mss date 14May 1979
THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY MAILED IN COUNTRY INDICATED BY POSTAGE on cvr pmkd Washington DC Nov 6, 1957; stamp from Israel
AIR MAIL REGISTERED & CENSORED pmkd HAIFA 29/8/50, addressed to St. Louis USA; US customs hstmp, backstamps; censor & arrival pmks
ISRAEL MILITARY (1) over 15 postcards issued to soldiers, various KBA and other markings (2) over 16 covers with various KBA and other markings, a few censored (3) 6 apparent official cvrs.
MILITARY CENSOR INTERNAL Entire that was to be used to transfer soldier’s mail for censorship. Not seen on Gladstone’s Postal Censorship in Israel 1948-1978
FROM VIETNAM pmkd 15/12/69 SAIGON, partial Herzliya backstamp
POST 1948 CENSORSHIP Over 30 covers; includes items to Israel (Cyprus, Syria POW, Germany, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, USSR), military (unit hstmps, regular mail,), checked, and the like; somewhat mounted on pages with descriptions. With some effort this will make a nice exhibit.