83 - 635 - revenues PRE-1948 & LOCALS
TEL AVIV REVENUES horizontal strips of 10 (1) 5 mil (2) 5 mil ovpt 30 (3) 40 mil (4) 50 mil (5) 60 mil; all with upper sheet margin; cat $380
TEL AVIV REVENUES horizontal strips of 10 (1) 5 mil (2) 5 mil ovpt 30 (3) 40 mil (4) 50 mil (5) 60 mil; all with upper sheet margin; cat $380
OTZER HAAM 5 mil 4 different shades of brown, imperf
OTZER HAAM (1) 10 mil green extra horiz perfs near bottom (2) same near top (3) 50 mil extra vert perfs near center
KOFER HAYISHUV stockade & tower stamps, tags, Masada stamps, hotel stamps, Tav Habankim stamps, used on covers, others
KOFER HAYISHUV stockade & tower panes of 10 for 1 mil green & 20 mil brown
KUPAT AHOVA – HAIFA 100 200 500 1000 values, various shades & misperfs
CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE dated 1936 with Mandate and Haifa revenues; tape repairs on top & reinforced on back [PH cropped]
BUL ALIYAH, HOTEL, SOCIAL WELFARE and others; stock book with many of each; 5 types of Bul Aliyah (as to overprints), heavy duplication; a few documents; a very close look may reveal varieties or errors; mint (not checked for hinging) and/or used
50 MIL REVENUE all Arabic divorce decree with seal of Islamic Court [PH cropped in catalogue, full on web]
REVENUES one 10, two 20, two 500, and one 250 (total of 1300 mils) on all Hebrew receipt dated 1935; hstmp of Bank Hapoalim; rough at upper left;