96th Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 269 - revenues Revenues - West Bank etc.
ZAHAL WEST BANK 1967-68 (BI-16 #WREV 1-21) full set including the 8 “a” numbers, 5 “b” numbers. Some have “tabs”
ZAHAL WEST BANK 1967-68 (BI-16 #WREV 1-21) full set including the 8 “a” numbers, 5 “b” numbers. Some have “tabs”
ZAHAL AGRA These Wallerstein series. May not be complete with all sub-numbers, but still a good representation. (1) GSC series for Gaza & Sinai, basic mint set with counterfoils and 5 documents (2) GSD series: plain, 5 ovpt,15 ovpt, 5 ovpt variety (3) GSE series, basic set and some varieties (4) WBA series (5) GSG series: 3 with counterfoils and bottom selvedge with control numbers (6) GSN series. 10 values, including New Shekel (7) GSK series: 6 values, basic set with counterfoils and bottom selvedge with control numbers (8) GSA 2 values (9) GSQ series: 4 values (10) other items
ZAHAL FISCALS/REVENUES For Judea, Samaria, Gaza Strip and Sinai, various issues, also some Jordanian items
ZHL REVENUES (BI-16 #W REV 9 // 21) 10 30 50 & 250 fils & 1 Dinar – extra horizontal perf at top (10 at right side)
ZHL REVENUES (BI-16 #W REV 9 -21) full set
ZAHAL FISCALS/REVENUES For Judea, Samaria, Gaza Strip and Sinai, various issues; also some Jordanian items
WEST BANK REVENUES (BI-16W REV #9//21A) extra horiz perfs on 10 15 (vert pair) 20 25 100 250 and 500 fils, extra vertical on 250 fils
WEST BANK REVENUES (BI-16W REV #9//21A) 20 different values & shades
WEST BANK JORDANIAN CURRENCY (BI-16 #WREV 09//21) includes basic set (except for 1 Dinar) and some but not all of the additional items (2nd & later printings);