88 - 545 - SPECIAL SECTION world war two

KELEMEN MARTON HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR'S RETURN to Hungary after liberation, 5 items: (1) Displaced Persons Center Hillersleben 12 June 1945 (2) certificate of vaccination and end of quarantine, (3) 5 Sept 1945 Hungarian absorption certificate, (4 & 5) May 1945 postcards to Debrecen telling whereabouts during the Holocaust (6) 29. IX. Postcard informing him that his 2 sons are alive and healthy in the 12thSztalina mining camp, and will return home in the next transport

88 - 543 - SPECIAL SECTION world war two

HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS DOCUMENTS AFTER LIBERATION (1) 1946 Polish I.D. for concentration camp survivors; holder ex Gross Rosen, (2) 1946 D.P. I.D. card for Jew in St. Ottilien UNRRA camp, (3) British censored p.c. ex Holland to Jewess in Lager Murdorf in Judenburg, forwarded to to D.P. Assembly Center, Vienna, (4) October 1945 French Police certificate that Madame Goldenberg was interned in December 1940 due to her Palestine nationality, (5) May 1946 Czech certificate that Regina Neumann was deported on 10.6.1944 and never returned.