87 - 95 - mandate STAMPS & STATIONERY
1 POUND PICTORIAL (BP-10 #111) 2 different plate blocks as to margins
1 POUND PICTORIAL (BP-10 #111) 2 different plate blocks as to margins
HIGH VALUE PICTORIALS (BP-10 #109-111) 250 500 and 1 Pound in blocks of varying sizes, expect perf seps; 22 of each stamp [PH cropped in catalog, full on web]
APC PERFINS all 8 positions on London 2; condition varies
LONDON ONE 1 MIL (BP-10 #71) with KKL perfin
20 PI LONDON I (BP-10 #70) Genuine stamp with full gum and bottom selvege but forged cancel of ‘EDARAâ€. See original Dorfman “Palestine Mandate Postmarks†page 49. This is the date shown
LONDON 1 10 MIL (BP-10 #69) stamp sound, partial Jerusalem cancel
1 MIL JERUSALEM TWO (BP-10 #45) narrow setting, 6 different as to placement of overprint
1 PI JERUSALEM ONE (BP-10 #21) vertical pair with English on top
APC PERFIN ON BP-10#16 per May 2001 Dorfman certificate “used copy of SG 16 First Local Overprint Setting 1 perforated with the initials A.P.C. This is the third recorded example of such a perfin. This stamp is genuine is every respectâ€. Dorfman 2004 l