82 - 1080 - art work szyk
SZYK FRONTISPIECES for ISRAEL and USA stamp albums; mounted & matted; 8.5 X 11 inches matted to 16 X 14 inches
SZYK FRONTISPIECES for ISRAEL and USA stamp albums; mounted & matted; 8.5 X 11 inches matted to 16 X 14 inches
SZYK: PORTRAIT OF Claude WICKARD Secretary of Agriculture, July 12, 1941 issue of TIME magazine
ESQUIRE MAGAZINE FOR MEN Victory Issue August 1842; with two back to back full page (10 x 14 inch) SZYK color drawings: “Gen. Douglas McArthur in Australia†and “Gen. Washington Crossing the Delaware†[PH is of the Washington item but in another format] many other illustrations
GEORGE WASHINGTON in full Masonic regalia, 1941
GEORGE WASHINGTON in full Masonic regalia, 1941
SZYK SIKORSKY Commander in Chief of the Polish Armed Forces, Prime Minister, 9 ½ x 16 inches, matted [PH cropped]
SZYK OF FRANCIS PERKINS drawing in Sept 1941 edition of FORTUNE magazine; first Female cabinet member (page 76)
SZYK HOLIDAYS 1948 set of 6: Purim, Passover, Chanukah, Rosh Hashanah, Succoth, Simchat Torah; retail up to $400 for complete set
SZYK FOUR FREEDOMS block of four circa 1943, one with inscription for “Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe: one without both blocks mounted in separate mats
SZYK: A MADMAN’S DREAM on back two pages from A NEW ORDER depicting Nazi collaborators; folded