96th Holyland Postal Bid Sale - 076 - world war two other
GERMAN POW CARD mailed 7 Sep 1942 rom England to Germany; British and German censors, vertical fold
GERMAN POW CARD mailed 7 Sep 1942 rom England to Germany; British and German censors, vertical fold
INDIAN FORCES Registered entire pmkd FPO 26 26 AUG 43, addressed to British Institute of Engineering Technology in Jerusalem, sent air mail by Indian soldier, Indian and British censor handstamps, with censor tape. Jerusalem & FPO arrival pmks on back. Bottom left corner is rough otherwise f/vf.
BRITISH NAVAL FORCES 39 covers, 16 of which are written in Hebrew, addressed to M. Lifshitz at NHS Moreta and HMS Stag both are training bases in Egypt.. Many of covers have censor tapes, various handstamps and censor handstamps. For the Hebrew reader, a good insight to events in Israel during WWII. As expected in a war zone, many of the covers are stained and torn.
ROMANIAN POSTAL CARD from Natali Cremnitz Sr (Dr. Ebner's daughter), written 11.4.42 somehow delayed and cancelled about 5 weeks later. Pmkd Bucurest 13.5.42. Addressed to Dr. Ebner in Tel Aviv. Mss message in German: "I know that you are desperate regarding us ... and waiting for news ... we write through Lichtheim & Blum." Blum was their Turkish contact. Richard Llchlhelm was the leader of the Zionist Revisionist group in Germany, and (together the famed Gizi Fleishmen) a group of 326 Jews interned by the Nazis in Sosnowitk Csmp, who were later transferred to Cemp VYEINE in Slovakia.
Palestine Posts Telegraphs & Telephones form wired from ANDIJAN, Uzbekistan in 1942: "MEDA DIED WE ARE WELL ... CABLE SOVIET UNION, USBEKISTAN, ANIDIJAN, POSTE REST ANTE". Unfortunately, the poor Refugee group did not make their escapade to South America, yet they managed to escape as far as to Uzbekistan in central Asia (contiguous with Afghanistan). Meda Spatz, died, and even there they did not find a safe steady shelter as they used Paste Restante for reply as their address. Delivered "VIA CABLE & WIRELESS" with oval Tel Aviv Registered pm or 11.MY.42 as arrival pmk.
DACHAU DAY OF THE LIBERATION 27/4/1945-46 commemorative pmk on card
VIENNA AUSTRIA 2 postal cards censored airmail to Sweden, from same person
AIR MAIL TO AMERICA PMKD 16/4/40 typed VIA PORTUGAL, censored, flap missing